Ointment natural magician to break up the fat #NationalPuppyDay #fitness #weightloss

Ointment natural magician to break up the fat that
cause a problem for most people

Most of the people suffering from obesity and fat accumulation significantly and large they have causing them embarrassment in front of others was a problem becomes large for some Instead, they resort to taking drugs and exercise hard, but all of this affect their health negatively medicines have negative symptoms on health and sports make them feel tired and fatigue and wasting their time and their money

But there is a recipe help eliminate obesity quickly and effectively to ten kilos of excess weight loss in a month and a half

   4tablespoons ginger
 2tablespoons rosewater 
3tablespoons apple cider vinegar

How to use a recipe
Spread the ginger and add it to the water in a pot over low heat until boiling and then we liquidate him well and then add it to the other ingredients until Etjans mixture until well combined and become Kalmarham must put it on places that accumulate the fat and grease accumulated in the body

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